Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Reviews: Dads

Keepin' It Reel With:

Jenna Stroh

Jenna Stroh aka J-Baby is BACK! The girl with the bangs with quite a lot to say. Good luck TV land, cuz J-Baby be about to dish it out.


"Dads" is a new sitcom that aired this past Tuesday on Fox. I love sitcoms as much as the next person and I believe that a sitcom can do very well if the comedy is right. Take "The Big Bang Theory" for example. This nerd-tastic show airs on CBS and is consistently in the running for the #1 comedy on TV. On the other side of this spectrum, in the running for the worst comedy on TV, is "Dads". Seriously, this show is so bad I had to turn it off after 15 minutes.
To digress a little bit, this show is about 2 video game developers, Warner and Eli, played by Seth Greene and Giovanni Ribisi. The whole premise of the show is that each episode their fathers do something that ruins their lives/pisses them off but in the end it is all happy (hence, sitcom). The pilot featured Warner's dad ruining a deal for the video game developers with the Japanese. I'm not sure how many episodes they can create with this same dilemma set-up, but I'm hoping this show gets yanked mid-season. Amongst a thousand racial slurs in this episode, I give it one star. And that is being generous because I use to have a crush on Giovanni Ribisi when he was in "Saving Private Ryan". Ok, fine. I still think he is attractive but he ruined it with this show. I chuckled once. ONCE. And looking back I can't even remember why. The jokes weren't funny, they were racists and poorly written.
Seth McFarlane is the executive producer on this show but I hope he makes the executive decision to let this show down easy by shooting it in the foot. 
My prediction for the show: At the very best I see it going one full season simple because of Seth McFarlane being executive producer. I would not be surprised if it got yanked from the line-up by week 3 or mid-season. For all our sakes, let's hope on week 3!

Reporting by: Jenna Stroh

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