Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Best Superbowl Commercials of 2014

Keepin' it Reel with

I LOVE the Super Bowl, but probably not for the reason that you do. The Super Bowl is the only day where I use my Tivo for the opposite reason why it exist: to skip all the football and just watch the commercials (how odd?) AND to order $40 worth of Domino's and eat Doritos and Velveeta till I want to puke. But since everyone is pretty upset over the Branco's including my father (poor daddy), maybe a top 10 Super Bowl commercial list will cheer everyone up!

10) Bud Light - It's just fun and ridiculous :)

9) Coca-Cola - Makes me proud and happy and all tingly all over.

8) Butterfinger Cups - One of the jaw dropping moments and surprises.


7) Budweiser - Who didn't have an "awe" moment?

6) H&M - Ummmmm David Beckham's body speaks for itself.

5) Chevrolet - This transcends car commercials and is instead just a beautiful human moment. This wins in my heart.

4) Hyundai - I had to watch this one three times, I loved it so much. When the kid almost impales himself on a brick! Made me want to find my dad and give him a hug.

3) Audi - It's the Super Bowl commercial that blows your mind. PLUS the addition of Sarah McClahklan (name spelled wrong) GOLD.

2) Turbo Tax - I don't even get football, but I LOVED this.

1) What is better than a reunion of the best show EVER. Gold the moment I saw Jerry and George reunite.

Thanks for Reading!
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