Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Reviews: Back in the Game

Keepin' It Reel With:

Jenna Stroh
Jenna Stroh aka J-Baby is BACK! The girl with the bangs with quite a lot to say. Good luck TV land, cuz J-Baby be about to dish it out.


"Back in the Game"

I haven’t heard too much buzz about the show “Back in the Game” airing on ABC other than James Caan was in it. I was curious so I tuned in. The show is about a mom named Terry and her son Danny who are currently living with her dad Terry Sr. or “The Cannon” as they call him (super weird btw). Terry was a super awesome softball player in college and has some strained
relationship with Terry Sr because he never came to a game and told to “walk it off” when she got her first period. Danny tries out for a baseball team and when he doesn’t make it, Terry creates one with all the other misfits who didn’t get picked either.

I was beginning to lose interest. Broken home, single mom attempting to make her kids life better than hers, blah blah blah. James Caan couldn’t even really save it for me. Then the English lady showed up. With a flask of tequila. That’s when it picked up.
This lady, played by Michelle Betts, was the saving grace of the show. Also, her son is gay and sings Lady Gaga and is super fabulous. Her husband was also gay, and rich and left her a ton of money after they divorced. So basically we all wish we could live her life.

My predictions: It hasn’t been the worst thing I’ve seen this fall (looking right at you Dads). I can see it going at least a full season. Pilots are always pretty rocky and while I wasn’t super impressed, it did have its charm and character in the end. Tune in if you have a spare 22 minutes, but if you don’t watch it, you’re life will go on.

Reporting by: Jenna Stroh

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